Commercial Law Research Group


This group aims to publish highly developed research in well- regarded and respected journals in modern commercial law topics


Group Members

  1. Professor. Ramzi Madi
  2. Professor Nour Alhajaya
  3. Associate Professor. Tariq Kameel
  4. Associate Professor Fayez Alnusair
  5. Associate Professor. Firas Massadeh
  6. Associate Professor. Mohammad Alkrisheh

Group’s Research Interest

Commercial Law, Commercial Corporations, Commercial Arbitration, E- Commerce, Commercial Corporations merger.

Selected Research

  1. Consumer Protection in Concluding E-Contracts in light of Palestinian Law – Authored by Ramzi Ahmed Madi, Tariq Kameel, published 2019 in OPCION [ Opción Universidad del Zulia. A Scopus Indexed Journal].
  2. pplicability of the UNIDROIT Principles as the Law Governing the Merits of Arbitration in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries – Authored by Amin Dawwas, Tariq kameel, accepted for publication in 2020 in ALQ [Arab Law Quarterly, a Scopus Indexed journal].
  3. Penal Protection for Consumer from Fake or unreal Discounts: A Comparative Study. Tariq Kameel, Nour Alhajaya, Fayez Alnusair, Mohammad Alkrisheh. (work under progress)
  4. Respecting the Principles of Competition and Consumer Protection in Liquidation Sales: A Comparative Study Tariq Kammel, Fayez Alnusair, Nour Alhajaya. (Work under progress)

