Strategy and Policies
The vision of Al Ain University regarding academic research and scientific research is to create a creative environment for scientific research that makes it one of the leading institutions of higher education. Scientific/academic research is one of the University's most important priorities; the University has dedicated the sixth of its publicized objectives to be part of a strategic plan to achieve its mission to support scientific research. The strategy of the university in this regard has been promotion and support of scientific research. This strategy have been clearly circulated to all deans and faculty members.
The University also published these policies and procedures on the website of the university, as well as in various documents it issued.
The Deanship of the College of Law encourages and organizes scientific research process in the college, creating a competitive environment for distinguished researchers among its college members, and providing the necessary support to carry out outstanding research. Therefore, the College has developed an executive plan for scientific research strategy, which includes research priorities, available resources, performance indicators and implementation schedules.
The Deanship of the College is keen on the college members’ commitment to the values, principles and ethical standards universally recognized in all research activities and various stages of scientific research. In particular, all college members must respect intellectual property rights within the laws of the United Arab Emirates.
According to the regulations of Al Ain University, the violation of the Scientific/academic integrity in its general sense is a serious violation of academic work ethics and a violation of its code of conduct. This gives the competent authorities in the university the right to initiate disciplinary proceedings against the college member concerned, and impose the appropriate penalty on him/her in accordance with the regulations.