AAU and the Association of Lawyers discuss the Social Media Impact on the Legislative System
The College of Law at Al Ain University, in cooperation with the Emirates Association for Lawyers and Legal, organized a virtual seminar entitled the Social Media Impact on the Legislative System, delivered by Counselor Zaved Al Shamsi-Chair of the Emirates Association for Lawyers and Legal and, Dr. Tayil Shiyab- Associate Professor in Criminal Law, AAU, and was moderated by Dr. Mohammad AlKarisheh- Head of Public Law Department, AAU.
The symposium discussed cyber bullying, its meaning, types and how to deal with it, whether through applying with the provisions available in UAE, or through training relevant cadres or awareness programs, as well as, spreading legal awareness and following up with parents of their children at home.
The symposium also dealt with: the rumors and their impact on individuals and societies, the effects of publishing news of crimes after their commission which exceeded 30% of the total published on communication platforms and the effect of this on limiting the spread of crimes.
Prof. Mustafa Qandeel, Dean of the College of Law at AAU, confirmed that the seminar highlighted the role played by the Emirati legislator in addressing the misuse of information technology, according to Federal Decree-Law No. 5 of 2012 in the matter of combating information technology crimes. Pointing out that this symposium came within the framework of spreading culture and legal awareness among individuals and students in universities and societies.